Interest rate sticker shock appears to have subsided. May
“popped” and we are back to the good ‘ol days.
May 2023 sales volume by dollar amount jumped 50% over April, and was virtually the same as May 2022. Financed transactions, which had been hovering at just over 65%, jumped to 77% of the dollar sales volume for the month. Even transactions over $750K were vigorous in May.
May 2023 sales volume by dollar amount jumped 50% over April, and was virtually the same as May 2022. Financed transactions, which had been hovering at just over 65%, jumped to 77% of the dollar sales volume for the month. Even transactions over $750K were vigorous in May.

Other Transactions of Note:
- 10 Ag Land transactions for $33,941,167
- 7 commercial transactions for $7,627,500
- 41 land transactions for $6,082,550
- 17 Condos for $7,627,500
- 15 Mobile Homes for $6,000,000
Looking at Year to Date May 31 2023 compared to 2022,
we have now climbed to being down only 16% in dollar
volume for the year. At the end of the first quarter we
were down 27.5% so we have definitely rebounded.